Titanic Belfast - Event Communications

Titanic Belfast is a cornerstone of the Titanic Quarter masterplan. It will set the tone for the wider masterplan and for the City as a whole. Belfast is synonymous with the Titanic and the ship building glory of which it was a part. The challenge of Titanic Belfast is to create a truly integrated cultural destination that uses the status of the Titanic story as the basis for the creation of a distinctive and unique destination.
Of the 9 galleries in the Titanic Belfast exhibition Fraser worked as lead designer on 3 galleries including a 14m wide high definition movie theatre and glass walkover experience.
Gallery 7 explores the impact of the loss of Titanic in the years immediately after 1912, focusing on three themes - the Titanic inquiries in America and Britain, along with the ‘blame game’ and subsequent changes in maritime legislation; Titanic’s sister ships, whose subsequent history reveals what might have happened to Titanic had she survived; and visitors return to Harland & Wolff, to find out how the shipyard coped with the sinking, and its impact on business.
Gallery 8 takes visitors into the realm of myth and legend that surrounds Titanic. As soon as she sank, the ship was mythologised, memorialised and fictionalised, and the real Titanic quickly became obscured. In the mid-1980s, when Robert Ballard discovered the wreck, the real Titanic came back into focus once more.
Gallery 9 represents the culmination of the visitor experience. They have witnessed the city out of which Titanic grew, the building, fitting out and sinking of the ship and her tragic end. They have seen how the legend of the ship grew in the 70 years after the sinking and they now arrive at the discovery of the wreck on the sea bed. Whilst this really marks the end of Titanic’s story, her discovery has opened up myriad opportunities for the exploration of our seas and oceans.
The theatre experience is entered on level three and uses the full height and volume the space to platform the high definition (HD) footage that Robert Ballard has taken of the Titanic wreck. Not only is this material unique in its own right, but it offers a visitor experience that is second to none in terms of experience and impact.